The new Lynk & Co 03 family model is launched, priced from 137,800 yuan Feb 18,2025 FollowingtheannouncementofthepriceofthenewLynk&Co0
New Dongfeng Citroen Versailles C5 X launched, priced from 143,701 Feb 18,2025 Recently,thenewDongfengCitroenVersaillesC5Xwaslaun
Urban SUV all-rounder Dongfeng Honda's new generation CR-V car buying manual Feb 18,2025 BitautoOriginalSomecarshaveahaloofprotagonistsasso
Buick E4 starts OTA cloud push, adds new voice engine and other functions Feb 18,2025 OnJanuary18,BuickofficiallyannouncedthatBuickE4wil
Ford patents mobile charging trailer technology to power electric vehicles Feb 18,2025 Recently,FordMotorCompanyobtainedatechnologypatent